My Background


International Graduate Center - Hochschule Bremen
International Masters in Business Administration - Logistics and Supply Chain Mnagament
Oct 2022 - Present
Manipal University Jaipur
Bachelors in Planning - Urban and Town Planning
Aug 2015 - May 2019


  1. Headed the Leh team in the Safai Suraksha Challenge India, overseeing procurement and logistics within Leh.

  2. Managed Waste Supply Chain: Introduced a Waste Flow Diagram in Leh to optimize plastic waste tracking, similar to supply chain management principles.

  3. Handled Procurement & Stakeholder Relations: Oversaw material procurement and issued tenders for urban projects. Acted as liaison between stakeholders and local government.

  4. Coordinated Projects & Partners: Utilized SharePoint for timeline management and partner coordination, serving as a de facto Supply Chain Management System.

  5. Oversaw Field Operations: Conducted field visits in Leh for logistics and infrastructure monitoring, offering insights to enhance supply chain efficiency.

Bremen Overseas Research & Development Association, India
04/2023 - Present
Urban Planner, Bangladesh & India
Ladakh Ecological Development and Environmental Group, Leh, India (N.G.O)
Intern, Urban Planning Department
06/2018 to 07/2018
  1. Contributed to the Changspa Road Development Plan redesign

  2. Facilitated a Public Open Space Plan survey for record-keeping & documentation.

  3. Participated in the 'Liveable Leh' EU-project,

Sprachschule Aktiv Bremen, Bremen, Germany
English Tutor
03/2020 to 04/2022
  1. Currently mentoring two adult learners in advanced English, boosting their communication abilities

Student Representative, Hochschule Bremen
Member of the Student Parliament
04/2023 - Present
  1. Pioneered as the sole international student representative in the parliament.

  2. Actively enhancing the living conditions for International Students.

  3. Transitioned student email communication to a bilingual (German & English) format.

AStA (Allgemeine Studierendenausschuss), Hochschule Bremen
Referat Internationales
04/2023 - Present
  1. Managed an outdoor event promoting global networking for German and international students.

  2. Collaborated in the organization of the Hochschule Sommerfest for students.Pioneered as the sole international student representative in the parliament.

  3. Organised Yoga class to relief stress and promote healty lifestyle for students. 

I am an International MBA student specializing in Logistics & Supply Chain Management at Hochschule Bremen. This site is a window into my academic endeavors, research projects, and practical experiences in the logistics sector. Join me on my journey to optimize supply chains and contribute to sustainable global trade practices